Your interest
is in good company!
Thank you for helping us make waves in the industry.
Thank you for helping us make waves in the industry.
Media Files
We love sharing our work with not only our community but a larger audience in the world as well.
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We need your help to accomplish these goals:
Expand BIPOC-focused, NEA-supported Producing Towards Equity programming to bring it to more filmmakers and organizations in 2023 and widen its scope to include other marginalized identities.
Pursue additional research and reporting using the DPA census data.
Develop and publish guidelines addressing contemporary issues in documentary ethics and equity and inclusion practices—codifying our current work into another field-accessible resource.
Sponsor regional meet-ups and panel discussions that bolster our regional outreach and compensate lead participants with honoraria.
Continue to provide community among our members via bimonthly meetings, in-person events, and ongoing impact and educational efforts.
Retain legal counsel and accounting support.
We Need Your Support to Continue Our Goals
Expand BIPOC-focused, NEA-supported Producing Towards Equity programming to bring it to more filmmakers and organizations in 2023 and widen its scope to include other marginalized identities.
Pursue additional research and reporting using the DPA census data.Develop and publish guidelines addressing contemporary issues in documentary ethics and equity and inclusion practices—codifying our current work into another field-accessible resource.
Sponsor regional meet-ups and panel discussions that bolster our regional outreach and compensate lead participants with honoraria.
Continue to provide community among our members via bimonthly meetings, in-person events, and ongoing impact and educational efforts.
Retain legal counsel and accounting support.
our grounding principle
to address systemic shortcomings that have led to significant challenges for producershoping to enjoy a sustainable career.
Your Support Makes the Future Possible
Special thanks to our Foundational Supporters for their generous contributions to the DPA
Make a Donation Today
The DPA is primarily volunteer-run organization and relies on donations to fuel its ongoing work and advocacy on behalf of documentary producers.The DPA is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to organizations with 501(c)(3) status may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor to determine deductibility of this contribution.
Thank you in advance for making a donation to the DPA!