Get to Know The DPA
and even better
field builders
and even better
field builders
Our mission
To amplify the voice of documentary producers worldwide
by educating the industry about the essential role that producers play from development through financing, production, and distribution; and by setting standards for inclusive, sustainable, and equitable documentary filmmaking practices based on research, collective experience, and input from industry stakeholders.
Our Vision
To secure and advance for all documentary producers,
a thriving, just, inclusive, empowering and sustainable environment, where professionalism, quality, equity and respect are inalienable industry standards.
Our history
The DPA was
founded in 2016
to address systemic shortcomings that have led to significant challenges for producers hoping to enjoy a sustainable career.
The DPA was founded
Six NYC-based colleagues: Nina Chaudry, Beth Levison, Marilyn Ness, Dallas Brennan Rexer, Ann Rose, and Beth Westrate, began to meet bi-monthly to discuss the lack of sustainability in the film industry for doc producers. They formed the NYC Doc Producers Alliance to advocate for doc film producers and make the field more sustainable.
That same year, the group penned "A Little Respect: Documentary Producers’ 2016 White Paper." (Sept. 2017, Reel Screen) As a result of their collaborative advocacy, this article featuring DPA founder Beth Levison was released in 2017, now referencing the org name Documentary Producers Alliance.
creating industry standards
Released the “Guide to Best Practices in Documentary Crediting,” now an industry-wide standard for documentary crediting
Laying the Foundation
Wrote and released the unprecedented “Guidelines for the Documentary Waterfall,” codifying best documentary investment practices for both investors and filmmakers. Our work included designing and deploying a training module for DPA members to train others in best financing practices.
With the support of organizational development consultants, Penn Creative Strategy, the DPA's Structural Working Group laid the foundation for a new organizational structure that centers equity and inclusion.
responding to challenges of our time
In response to nationwide racial protests, the DPA created and released the “Anti-Racist and Structural Equality Resource Guide” to provide resources that push toward a more inclusive and decolonized documentary ecosystem.
Designed and conducted an unprecedented, member-wide census (70% participation), yielding detailed information about who our members are, what challenges they face, and how the DPA can best serve their needs moving forward.
The DPA receives its 501(c)3 nonprofit status, establishing its legal, financial and governing structure, ensuring the sustainability and impact of the organization for years to come.
Through the work of the Interim Board, our membership democratically elected 11 Board members representing 11 regions across the U.S., Canada, and UK/Europe for the first time.
Launching the PTE
The DPA launched the Producing Towards Equity (PTE) program in partnership with the support of the National Endowment of the Arts. The curriculum was created to facilitate the crediting and waterfall guidelines to industry stakeholders with a foundation of equity and inclusion.
eliminating barriers
Release of the “Negotiating Contracts for Independent Documentary Producers" at Getting Real 2024. These guidelines provide best-practice recommendations in the work-for-hire documentary production environment.
Eliminated barriers to membership by introducing the ‘Exploratory’ producer category to the DPA member application.
Founders and outgoing Board members formed the DPA Advisory Board to provide our leaders institutional knowledge and guidance.
more exciting updates coming soon!
In response to nationwide racial protests, the DPA created and released the “Anti-Racist and Structural Equality Resource Guide” to provide resources that push toward a more inclusive and decolonized documentary ecosystem.
Designed and conducted an unprecedented, member-wide census (70% participation), yielding detailed information about who our members are, what challenges they face, and how the DPA can best serve their needs moving forward.
say it with us
DPA Initiatives
Guidelines & Open Letters
The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers, and advocating for a fair and just film industry.
Negotiating Contracts for Independent Documentary Producers
The twin goals of these best practices are to enhance a successful project outcome while also sustaining a satisfying and financially viable career.
DPA Initiatives
Guidelines & Open Letters
The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers, and advocating for a fair and just film industry.
Open Letters
Negotiating Contracts for Independent Documentary Producers
This document provides best-practice recommendations for a work-for-hire documentary producer to: Evaluate a proposed project; Establish a good working relationship with the “Rights Holder;" Formalize an agreement; Ensure equitable compensation. The twin goals of these best practices are to enhance a successful project outcome while also sustaining a satisfying and financially viable career. These guidelines are the result of over four years of volunteer work from our dedicated members.

Guidelines for the Documentary Waterfall
This document reflects the DPA’s collective effort to introduce greater understanding and transparency around the nature of documentary film finance, to standardize film finance structures, and to advocate for financing terms that are sustainable, transparent, and rewarding to investors and filmmakers alike.
In order to address the changing landscape of documentary financing and diversification of financing sources, the DPA devised the Guidelines for Documentary Waterfall to codify unsustainable industry norms and ensure documentary filmmakers receive the compensation they deserve. The film’s financial “waterfall” describes the flow of gross revenues that a project receives and how these gross revenues, or the “pie,” are distributed amongst those with a financial interest in the project. The document also includes an overview of financing tools, budget guidelines, and an extensive glossary that details industry-specific terms. The Guidelines have been endorsed by over 30 allied organizations in the field.

Guide to Best Practices in Documentary Crediting
The DPA's Crediting Guidelines reflect the DPA’s effort to correct, stabilize, and standardize documentary crediting as a first step in our broader mission to make the field more inclusive and documentary filmmaking more viable as a career.
The Guide to Best Practices in Documentary Crediting not only defines producer credits that may arise in the making of independent films, but also distinguishes between financier credits (Executive Producer, Co-Executive Producer and Contributing Producer) and working producer credits.
The guidelines are meant to clarify the crediting process, and help ensure that funders and investors receive the recognition that they are due (and that filmmakers want them to have); filmmakers can offer and leverage fair credits to funding prospects to get their films made; and the value and meaning of credits are protected (against, among other things, dilution and inconsistency) for filmmakers and their financial partners.
As of 2024, the DPA's Crediting Subcommittee is working on analyzing internal survey data to update these guidelines according to shifts in the industry since their original publication in 2019.

Anti-Racist & Structural Equality Resource Guide
The Anti-Racist & Structural Equality Resource Guide provides documentary producers with an index of resources aimed at creating an inclusive, equitable and decolonized documentary ecosystem.

Open Letter to Film Festival Programmers, Marketing Directors & Publicists
The DPA urges film festivals to be more inclusive of producers, beginning with festivals’ promotional materials and through the full film festival experience.
This open letter addresses the exclusion of documentary producers’ work and craft from the film festival circuit and stresses that producers deserve inclusion alongside their fellow filmmakers. Action items in the letter detail steps film festivals should take to ensure producers are recognized as filmmakers.

Accessibility ...

How We Work Together
to address systemic shortcomings that have led to significant challenges for producers hoping to enjoy a sustainable career.
The DPA’s efforts are executed by its members in the following subcommittees:
how we organize
Finance & Fundraising
Equity & Inclusion
Research & Data
Field Building and Education
Equity & Inclusion
Equity & Inclusion
The Equity and Inclusion subcommittee leads the development and implementation of strategies and practices that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within the Documentary Producers Alliance and the broader documentary filmmaking industry. This commitment is pursued while ensuring alignment with the overarching philosophy, strategies of the DPA’s board, leadership, and membership. The subcommittee serves as an integral part of the organization, actively responding to the needs and aspirations of the membership, and positioning producers as pivotal figures in shaping an industry that is equitable, inclusive, and reflective of diverse voices and stories.
PTE “Producing Toward Equity”
The “Producing Toward Equity” (PTE) subcommittee educates audiences in both dismantling inequitable producing practices and rebuilding ones that are fairer and just. PTE takes the form of workshops that offer participants an opportunity to engage with the DPA’s existing best practices resources — Film Financing, Crediting, and Labor Practices — with a focus on addressing sustainable and equitable business practices in a field where unpaid labor and structural inequality are pervasive norms.
The workshop material, learning environment, and connections made between participants provide producers of all experience levels with educational opportunities that may otherwise be unavailable or difficult to find, in areas often unaddressed in formal undergraduate/graduate programs and on-the-job training.
Field Building & Education
Contract Guidelines
The Labor subcommittee worked for many years on the DPA's most recent guidelines, Negotiating Contracts for Independent Documentary Producers. Ultimately, that subcommittee was folded into the Contract Guidelines subcommittee to work on the layout, design, and rollout of the document. Currently, this group meets to work on outreach and impact to bring the document to classrooms, film festivals, conferences, and affinity groups.
The Crediting subcommittee is responsible for developing and promoting the DPA's best practices and advocacy for crediting and recognition on behalf of documentary producers, ensuring these efforts align with the organization's governing philosophy, board strategies, and the overall needs and desires of its members.
Ethics Resource Library
Our Ethics Resource Library (ERL) is a free, comprehensive searchable tool designed to support filmmakers by providing resources to help set industry standards for ethical filmmaking practices.
This is a living library that continues to evolve with our rapidly changing industry. The discussions around inclusivity and representation, for example, have changed dramatically over the last decade, and our library represents this living conversation with resources spanning earlier decades to the present day.
The ERL is open to filmmakers of all experience levels, navigating all stages of production. We cover a wide-ranging swath of topics and questions including: accessibility, authorship (who's telling your story and why), labor, representation, inclusion, interviewing victims, diversity, distribution, diversity, consent, safety on set, etc.
Film Festival
The Film Festival subcommittee advocates for equity among filmmakers beginning at the festival level - while bringing value to our festival partners through advocacy, education and career development opportunities. The subcommittee is also the liaison and oversight for festival based DPA events nationwide.
The subcommittee is charged with supporting the organization's membership and its board at the festival level. This includes:
Advocating for producers as equal partners to directors at festivals including PR / Awards / Travel etc.
Liaising with international and regional festivals on behalf of the DPA to add value to festivals
Liaising with regional subcommittees to plan events at appropriate festivals
resources required to carry out the mission
fundraising involvement
demonstration of good stewardship
The Waterfall subcommittee developed film-financing guidelines (Guidelines for the Documentary Waterfall) over the course of several years. Following the document's release, the subcommittee presented its content at workshops and ensured its adoption as a standard in the documentary industry. This subcommittee is currently dormant.
Finance & Fundraising
Finance & Fundraising
The role of the subcommittee is to ensure that the organization's development program is in concert with its strategic direction and needs. The subcommittee is the mechanism by which board members and other volunteers are involved in the fundraising process.
The subcommittee is charged with supporting the organization and its board on all fundraising planning and initiatives. This includes:
constant attention to the strength of the mission and case for support
organizational accountability: reporting, compliance, security
supporters’ involvement with the DPA
resources required to carry out the mission
research and plans for soliciting necessary private and public funds
fundraising involvement
demonstration of good stewardship
The Communications subcommittee ensures that the DPA has a dedicated, consistent, and experienced group of members who collaborate to review, disseminate, and help originate relevant DPA written and visual materials both internally and externally. Ultimately, the committee will assess and promote a streamlined communications process, ensuring that the DPA effectively conveys its mission, values, and goals to various stakeholders, including volunteers, donors, beneficiaries, and the general public through effective communications, thus maintaining a consistent and compelling message and brand identity.
The governance subcommittee is charged with supporting the organization and the Board on all governance principles, policies, and practices. They work to ensure that the DPA's policies and bylaws are in concert with its strategic direction and needs.
This includes:
Developing policies required to run the organization effectively, ethically, under non-profit law, and the mission, vision, and values of the DPA
Keeping the board informed of current best practices in non-profit governance
Reviewing non-profit governance trends for their applicability to the DPA
Reviewing and updating the DPA’s governance principles and practices
Advising those responsible for appointing directors to the Board on the skills, qualities, and professional or educational experiences necessary to be effective Board members
The subcommittee is charged with supporting new and current members of the organization. This includes working to define and refine the qualifications of DPA members including considering the inclusion and equity we aspire to industry-wide, monitoring the membership experience to empower and engage new and existing members, and managing the membership application and onboarding process.
The Regional Midwest subcommittee provides a gathering space for regional DPA members to share information, create local programming, and serve as a conduit between the board and membership. Each regional rep has been tasked with meeting the needs of their regional members where they’re at (this looks very different for the NYC region than the Northwest region).
Collectively, the Regional subcommittee identifies the following ways to engage and serve its members and the DPA in general:
Build DPA awareness with local industry
Activate members regionally
Build Regional awareness with national/international industry orgs
Create regional programming that furthers the work of DPA initiatives (e.g. Waterfall teach-ins, producer panels, etc.)
Grow DPA membership to become a more diverse and inclusive org
Provide peer support within the regions (e.g. virtual workshops, feedback sessions, etc.)
Facilitate cross-regional collaboration on events (e.g. virtual happy-hour meetups, informational sessions or workshops hosted by one region, etc.)
Create regional databases of DPA-approved crew and local resources
Monitor board-level activity and communicate any relevant info to the Regional reps
Encourage members to find ways to serve on other DPA committees
Research & Data
Research & Data
The purpose of the Research and Data subcommittee is to support data as vital to the DPA’s mission and advocacy. The subcommittee will implement or collaborate on research, data collection, and analysis to impact decisions, policies, and advocacy by the DPA. The research conducted by the Research and Data subcommittee will be used to help the organization make data-informed decisions about its leadership, membership, and goals. When possible, research will be released to the broader documentary film community so that it can positively impact producers across the industry.
Union Research
The Union Research subcommittee was formed to research union and labor organizing possibilities for the DPA membership. This includes but is not limited to, the following options: DPA membership forming a union, DPA membership joining an existing union, or facilitating individual members' choosing their suitable union option. The subcommittee will educate the membership about its findings and facilitate the process.
The goal is to increase collective bargaining strength to create more sustainability for documentary film producers. This will fulfill the DPA goal of advocating for practices that ensure producing careers are sustainable and that producers can work without fear of financial insecurity or mental and physical hardship.
guidelines & open letters
DPA Initiatives
The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers, and advocating for a fair and just film industry.
How We Work Together
to address systemic shortcomings that have led to significant challenges for producers hoping to enjoy a sustainable career.
The DPA’s efforts are executed by its members in the following subcommittees:
Finance & Fundraising
Finance & Fundraising
Equity & Inclusion
Equity & Inclusion
Producing Toward Equity (PTE)
Research & Data
Research & Data
Union Research
Field-building & Education
Contract Guidelines
Ethics Resource Library
Board Committee
Task Force
Board of directors
Advocates Working Toward Change
The DPA Board consists of DPA members who have been democratically elected to position by their fellow members and/or appointed by existing board members. Board members sit for two-year consecutive terms. In order to ensure regional representation, seats are partitioned for members based in NYC and SoCal and for members based in regions outside of NYC and SoCal.
Board members actively contribute to DPA projects and support the organization's annual fundraising objectives. They also serve as liaisons for subcommittees, attend monthly Board meetings, establish organizational policies and priorities, and approve publications and budgets.
Board Position
The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers.
The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers. The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers. The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers.
Board Position
The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers.
The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers. The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers. The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers.
Board Position
The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers.
The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers. The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers. The DPA is committed to advancing the documentary ecosystem, uniting the future of documentary producers.

Alex Shebanow is an award-winning filmmaker from San Francisco. In 2013, he began work on FAIL STATE, an expansive documentary exposé on predatory for-profit colleges and the student loan debt crisis. Executive produced by Dan Rather, FAIL STATE was theatrically released in New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, and debuted on STARZ. For his investigative work on FAIL STATE, Alexander was awarded the William Randolph Hearst Award for Outstanding Investigative Reporting.
Alex Shebanow

Ash Soltani Stone has over a decade in film education and program development, and brings extensive experience in organizing, organizational development, and a commitment to social justice and diversity through documentary filmmaking. His background includes founding two significant film studies programs, emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration and legal and fiscal oversight, aligning well with DPA’s mission of fostering a sustainable and equitable documentary industry.
Vice President
Ash Soltani Stone

Bryn Silverman is a documentary filmmaker based in Louisville, KY. She is drawn to stories that explore self-determination. Recently, she produced THE PEOPLE COULD FLY (Blackstar 2024) and TIDAL (DOC NYC 2023). She edited and produced Emmy nominated BEEKEEPER and she was also a story producer on Netflix's AMEND: THE FIGHT FOR AMERICA. She is an Associate Programmer for Tribeca Festival and she was a Southern Producer’s Lab fellow with the New Orleans Film Society.
Bryn Silverman

Dawn Mikkelson is a 3-time Emmy Award winning producer, and 2010 McKnight Filmmaking Fellow. Dawn Mikkelson’s work has broadcast on global television networks such as PBS, CBC, and Deutsche Welle and screened at dozens of top international film festival including: DOC NYC, Doc Edge, Mill Valley Film Festival, Cinequest, and Melbourne Documentary Film Festival. 2023/2024 American Film Diplomacy Program (US State Department & USC School of Cinematic Arts) participant and finalist of the Project Greenlight Digital Studios.
Dawn Mikkelson

Erica L. Taylor, is a natural storyteller with an unmatched work ethic. Among her credits are the NAACP Image award-winning shows Unsung and Unsung Hollywood and The Invisible Vegan (2019) documentary. Her current work, Red Alert: The Fight Against Fibroids is a personal documentary about her fight for fertility and reproductive justice for women of color. Erica is the 2023-2024 Vice-President of the DPA, Co-Chair of both the Equity and Inclusion and the Communications Subcommittees.
Erica L. Taylor

Helen de Michiel is a filmmaker, media artist, author and professor. Her films are included in collections at The Museum of Modern Art in New York and The Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. She was the Co-Executive Director of the National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture, (now known as The Alliance) from 1994-2010. She served on the Board of the Peabody Awards for Electronic Media from 2001-2007, and numerous other grants and media policy making panels.
Helen de Michiel

J.R. Hardman is an Associate Producer at PBS Utah for the award-winning series This is Utah and Utah Insight. She has also served as an adjunct instructor at Utah Valley University teaching introduction to nonfiction filmmaking. She previously served as Operations Manager for Sundance Institute Artist Programs and as Senior Tour Manager for Campus Movie Fest, the world's largest student film festival.
J.R. Hardman

Kevin Kunze is an award-winning director, producer, and editor based in Berkeley. He has worked on a variety of XR projects for high-profile clients, including the San Francisco 49ers, the San Jose Sharks, and Stanford University. As a director, he has interviewed Brendan Fraser, Steve Wozniak,, and Mistah Fab. His mission is to help educate members on how XR visual effects are changing the industry and why tech innovations are shaping the stories we tell.
Kevin Kunze

Rebecca Stern is a documentary producer and director. She directed and produced the documentary WELL GROOMED (HBO Sports). She directed and produced for AMC+/Sundance TV’s series SMUGSHOT, and directed for HBO and Vox’s LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. Additional producing credits include DEAR SANTA (ABC/HULU), DEERFOOT OF THE DIAMOND (ESPN), BATTLEGROUND (Starz), SNOWY (TIME), and TRE MAISON DASAN (ITVS). Rebecca is a DOCNYC 40under40 honoree, an Impact Partners Fellow, a pga-accredited producer, and a Documentary Producers Alliance board member.
Vice President
Rebecca Stern

Tiffany Fisher-Love (she/her) is a Brooklyn-based producer. Her current projects include feature documentaries STORMING and ANATOMY OF A LIFE, and feature-narrative HAWAIIAN VACATION. She also Co-Produced BOYCOTT and Emmy-nominated UNITED SKATES. With a background in digital media, Tiffany has worked with Upworthy, Brut, Peoria, and Fellow Americans to distribute impactful, educational content at scale for over a decade. Tiffany was a Sundance Producer Intensive Fellow and is on the board of the DPA.
Tiffany Fisher-Love

Yael Bridge is an Emmy-nominated documentary producer and director. Her directorial feature debut, The Big Scary "S” Word, premiered at Hot Docs 2020 and on Hulu in 2022. Previously, she produced Left on Purpose, winner of the Audience Award at DOC NYC as well as the Netflix Original film, Saving Capitalism, starring former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, which was nominated for an Emmy Award.
Yael Bridge
DPA Advisory Board
The DPA Advisory Board is comprised of experienced industry specialists, former DPA Board members and founding members whose role is to offer strategic advice and support to the current Board of Directors. The Advisory Board meets as requested to assist the active Board with critical decision making and approvals but have no voting rights or fiduciary duties.
Beth Levison
Ina Fichman
Megan Gilbride
Susan Margolin
Véronique Bernard
Past Advisory Board * 2022 - 2023
Véronique Bernard
Ina Fichman
Megan Gilbride
Beth Levison
Susan Margolin
Rachel Nederveld
Founding & Interim Leadership
The DPA Advisory Board is comprised of experienced industry specialists, former DPA Board members and founding members whose role is to offer strategic advice and support to the current Board of Directors. The Advisory Board meets as requested to assist the active Board with critical decision making and approvals, but have no voting rights or fiduciary duties.
Current Advisory Board Members*
Beth Levison
Beth Levison +
Beth Westrate +
Dallas Brennan +
Eden Wurmfeld
Erica Taylor
Fenell Doremus
Ian Kibbe
Ina Fichman
Jonathan Goodman Levitt
Lynnette Gryseels
Marilyn Ness +
Megan Gilbride
Nina Chaudry +
Olivia Ahnemann
Rachel Nederveld
Rexer Ann Rose +
Susan Margolin
Véronique Bernard
Yael Bridge
+ Founders
Past Advisory Board * 2022 - 2023
Véronique Bernard
Ina Fichman
Megan Gilbride
Beth Levison
Susan Margolin
Rachel Nederveld
Past DPA Board Members
The DPA Advisory Board is comprised of experienced industry specialists, former DPA Board members and founding members whose role is to offer strategic advice and support to the current Board of Directors. The Advisory Board meets as requested to assist the active Board with critical decision making and approvals, but have no voting rights or fiduciary duties.
Current Advisory Board Members*
Chris Renteria
Jessica Daugherty
Jin Yoo-Kim
Keith Wilson
Susan Margolin
Kerry Deignan Roy
Kira Simon-Kennedy
Leena Minifie
Margo Guernsey
Rebekah Fergusson
Sarah Rachael Wainio
Sasha-Gay Lewis
Tahiat Mahboob
Past Advisory Board * 2022 - 2023
Véronique Bernard
Ina Fichman
Megan Gilbride
Beth Levison
Susan Margolin
Rachel Nederveld
Past DPA Executive Committee Members
The DPA Advisory Board is comprised of experienced industry specialists, former DPA Board members and founding members whose role is to offer strategic advice and support to the current Board of Directors. The Advisory Board meets as requested to assist the active Board with critical decision making and approvals, but have no voting rights or fiduciary duties.
Current Advisory Board Members*
Yael Bridge
Chris Renteria
Kerry Deignan Roy
Sarah Rachael Wainio
Vice President
Vice President
Erica L. Taylor
Susan Margolin
Past Advisory Board * 2022 - 2023
Véronique Bernard
Ina Fichman
Megan Gilbride
Beth Levison
Susan Margolin
Rachel Nederveld
Special thanks to our Foundational Supporters for their generous contributions to the DPA