Gordon Quinn: Ethics of Documentary Filmmaking
Privacy, Transparency, Care & Safety, Compensation, Participants, Journalism, Accountability
Video, Case study
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Privacy, Transparency, Care & Safety, Compensation, Participants, Journalism, Accountability
Video, Case study
There are no set rules in documentary filmmaking, only decisions about where to draw the line. Pioneer documentarian and Kartemquin Films cofounder Gordon Quinn explores examples from films such as "Hoop Dreams," "Prisoner of Her Past," and "The Interrupters" to illustrate how the documentary process relies upon a constant negotiation of power relationships among the story, subject, and viewer. In an interactive session mixing video with audience discussion, Quinn will cover ethical issues ranging from how to protect subjects' privacy while intimately exposing their lives, to filmmakers' responsibility to make their method and intent transparent to the audience. He will talk about what is often kept quiet, such as if—and how—subjects should be compensated. Quinn argues that, despite similarities between their codes of ethics, there are crucial differences between documentary and journalism that stem from factors such as trust and empathy. He also addresses pertinent intellectual property issues in the digital age, specifically the importance of ethics when exercising Fair Use. University of Chicago film scholar Jacqueline Stewart will join Quinn for the discussion.